Lab 1: Principles and use of microscope
SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY UNIVERSITY SCIENCES MALAYSIA DEGREE IN BIOPROCESS IBG 102 BIOLOGY FOR TECHNOLOGIST Name 1. LOH SHI WEI (137602) 2. LAI CHONG SING (137592) 3. SITI NORASYIKIN BINTI SALMI (137673) 4. SITI NUR SUHAILI AFIQAH BINTI SARIMAN (137674) 5. NUR LIYANA ATHILAH BINTI MOHD AFFANDI (137636) Title 1.1 SETTING UP AND USING THE MICROSCOPE 1.2 EXAMINATION OF CELLS Date of practical 19/09/17 Date of Report Submitted 25/09/17 Lecturer DR. TYE LAB 1: PRINCIPLE AND USED OF MICROSCOPE 1.1 Setting Up And Using The Microscope. INTRODUCTION A microscope is an equipment which is used to magnify the organisms or the structure which cannot be seen with our naked eyes. There are two categories of microscope, which is light microscope and electron microscope. Light microscope is a microscope which allows the light to pass through the ...
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